In 2022, the Colorado Legislature passed the Colorado Clean Slate Act– SB22-099– that automates the record-sealing process for many past conviction records. We came back in 2024 to make the Colorado Clean Slate Act stronger for you.

Someone’s past mistakes should not prevent them from keeping a roof over their head, putting food on the table, and supporting their families.

This new Clean Slate law created a process where some people can qualify for automatic sealing without having to use the court process. Clean slate removes these barriers, including using the court process to get a record sealed. This means that starting in 2024, more than 100,000 records (and counting) were automatically sealed

It might also be ideal for you to go through the petition-based process. For more information, please email

Removing barriers to employment and housing equips everyone with the opportunity to provide for their families and become more productive citizens.

Who We Are:

Clean Slate Colorado is a coalition of organizations and businesses working to expand access for people to work, support themselves, and live healthy lives. “Clean Slate” is a term for legislation that streamlines the process by which eligible conviction and non-conviction records are sealed.

Nicole’s Story

Michael’s Story